Tuesday, August 16, 2005

sibel edmunds interview

Sibel did another interview - she is getting very chatty. some snippets below. (link)
(im still waiting for the transcript from the horton interview)


SE: I am the most gagged person in history, I mean it. They are terrified of letting me speak, and just why they might be terrified – well, this is what the media should be concentrating on, not that the poor whistleblower got fired.


SE: It's like this with the so-called war on terror. We go for the Attas and Hamdis – but never touch the guys on the top.

CD: You think they [the government] know who they are, the top guys, and where?

SE: Oh yeah, they know.

CD: So why don't they get them?

SE: It's like I told you before – this would upset "certain foreign relations." But it would also expose certain of our elected officials, who have significant connections with high-level drugs- and weapons-smuggling – and thus with the criminal underground, even with the terrorists themselves.


SE: Look, if you read the (VF) article you will see they mentioned that there were several other officials suspected of crimes. It's interesting because they mentioned the Department of State and the DOD – but they didn't get into it.

CD: And maybe some of these others were more important than Hastert?

SE: Of course they were more important!


CD: So the Turkish and Israeli investigations had some overlap?

SE: Essentially, there is only one investigation – a very big one, an all-inclusive one... But I can tell you there are a lot of people involved, a lot of ranking officials, and a lot of illegal activities that include multi-billion-dollar drug-smuggling operations, black-market nuclear sales to terrorists and unsavory regimes, you name it. And of course a lot of people from abroad are involved. It's massive.


CD: I know you can't name names, but are there any government agencies in particular that you can single out as being more corrupt or more involved with the substance of your allegations?

SE: The Department of State.

CD: What, the most corrupt?

SE: The Department of State is easily the most corrupted of the major government agencies... I can tell you, in my case, the decision to terminate the investigation and bury my allegations, this decision was not made by the FBI. It came directly from the Department of State.


SE: It's interesting, in one of my interviews, they say "Turkish countries," but I believe they meant Turkic countries – that is, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and all the 'Stans, including Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and [non-Turkic countries like] Afghanistan and Pakistan. All of these countries play a big part in the sort of things I have been talking about.

CD: What, you mean drug-smuggling?

SE: Among other things. Yes, that is a major part of it. It's amazing that in this whole "war on terror" thing, no one ever talks about these issues. No one asks questions about these countries – questions like, "OK, how much of their GDP depends on drugs?"

CD: But of course, you're not implying…

SE: And then to compare that little survey with what countries we've been putting military bases in –


update - my latest piece is here

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